Inventory Updates:

Inventory updates are needed to maintian synconized stock levels between the website and eBay store.


(Perform the following after the Post has been perpared for the given day)

- Save the Workbook before performing the below.
("Data.Jul-Sep-2011-XXX-RTN", in "D:\Swamp Industries\Swamp Ebay\accounts", XXX = being the highest number in the folder.)

1. Run the "Process Inventory" fucntion
2. Run the "Retrieve Active Listings" API function

End Sold Out
3. Run the "End Sold Out Items" function
4. Check any SKU's in the "LEnd" sheet in the Inventory sheet, and
- If the "Remaining1" value is >1
- See if its value in the "LowLimit" ColumnL, is greater than the "Remaining1" ColumnK value.
- If true, then change the "LowLimit" to be "0", + ask warehouse staff to perform an "INVENTORY COUNT".
5. Run the "End Sold Out Items" function
6. Copy the entire "LEnd" sheet and save as a csv file named "XX-XX-XX-End" in D:\Swamp Industries\eBayListings\ManualListings\11-XXX
7. Upload in File Exchange

Revise Listings
8. Run the "Revise Store Listings" function
9. Copy all data between ColumnA to ColumnH (LRevise sheet)
10. Paste into a new Excel Workbook, and a save as a csv file named "XX-XX-XX-Revise" in D:\Swamp Industries\eBayListings\ManualListings\XX-XXX
11. Delete Columns B, C, E, F G (leaving 3 columns, Action / ItemID / QTY)
12. Select ColumnB, Right Click and click "Format Cells", then select “Number”, move decimal places to “0”
13. Save
14. Upload in File Exchange

Upload WebProducts
15. Copy the entire "Webproducts" sheet and save as a csv file named "XX-XX-XX" in D:\Swamp Industries\Swamp Ebay\SwampWebsite\DATA\ProductDatabase\XX-XXX
16. Go to Import X-cart page
17. Select "CSV delimiter:" as "Comma"
18. Select "The source of import file:" as "Home Computer"
19. Click browse and select the CORRECT Webproducts file (Double check it is the correct file you are importing)
20. Click Import

Upload Product Variants
21. Copy the entire "Variants" sheet and save as a csv file named "XX-XX-XX-V" in D:\Swamp Industries\Swamp Ebay\SwampWebsite\DATA\ProductDatabase\XX-XXX
16. Go to Import X-cart page
17. Select "CSV delimiter:" as "Comma"
18. Select "The source of import file:" as "Home Computer"
19. Click browse and select the CORRECT Product Variants file (Double check it is the correct file you are importing)
20. Click Import

Upload Wholesale Prices
21. Copy the entire "Wholesale" sheet and save as a csv file named "XX-XX-XX-W-ToDelete" in D:\Swamp Industries\Swamp Ebay\SwampWebsite\DATA\ProductDatabase\XX-XXX
16. Go to Import X-cart page
17. Select "CSV delimiter:" as "Comma"
18. Select "The source of import file:" as "Home Computer"
19. Click browse and select the CORRECT Wholesale Prices file (Double check it is the correct file you are importing)
21. Click the "Import options" link (right side of page), to expand a list of import options
22. IMPORTANT. Check/Select the checkbox next to the "WHOLESALE_PRICES" Data type ONLY
23. Click Import
24. Click "OK" to confirm that the Wholesale Prices data type will be dropped (deleted) before importing the new data.