Out of Stock - Flag Back-Order:

A customer may contact us regarding a product that is "Out of stock".
We can advise the customer when the item will be back in stock and ask if would like to be contacted once available for sale.

To get an ETA for when a product will be back in stock:

In the Inventory. Check the "OnOrderQty" column (U), any QTY value means the SKU is on order. Check the "ReOrder" column (S) for code. (e.g. R10). Filter column S for that code and read the comment in the very top SKU cell, for info on this shipments ETA (+ indicates the correct "Flag" Gmail label to use)

Type: Use When: Template Reply: If: Action / Reply

Short Wait

We receive an eBay message .

The the lead time on receiving more goods is less than 2 weeks

Back-Order / eBay - Short
Thanks for the message,
We do have the XXX coming back into stock ~ 2 weeks.

If you may be interested at this time, please confirm and we can send a message once back in stock and available for sale.

Alternatively, forward your email address and we can enter a direct back-order and forward a quote to your email, to enable shipment as early as possible.

Customer replies to confirm they would like a Message sent. "Label" the message with the appropriate "Flag". (e.g. "Flag Jul-11", if to be restocked in the July shipment) Back-Order / Flag Confirm
Thanks for the message.

I have flagged your interest and we will send a message once back in stock and available for sale.
Customer replies to confirm they would like a quote/invoice Use the POS system to generate the quote or invoice for the customer.
Long Wait

We receive an eBay message .

The the lead time on receiving more goods is more than 2 weeks

Back-Order / eBay - Long
Thanks for the message,
We do have the XXX coming back into stock XXX XXX.

If you may be interested at this time please send us your email address, and we will flag your interest and send a message once back in stock.

Alternatively, we enter a direct back-order and forward a quote to your email.

Customer replies to confirm they would like a Message sent. "Label" the message with the appropriate "Flag". (e.g. "Flag Jul-11", if to be restocked in the July shipment) Back-Order / Flag Confirm
Thanks for the message.

I have flagged your interest and we will send a message once back in stock and available for sale.
Customer replies to confirm they would like a quote/invoice Use the POS system to generate the quote or invoice for the customer.
Short Wait

We receive a general website message.

The the lead time on receiving more goods is less than 2 weeks

Back-Order / Website - Short
Thanks for the message,
We do have the XXX coming back into stock ~ 2 weeks.

If you may be interested at this time, please confirm and we can send a message once back in stock and available for sale.

Alternatively, we can enter a direct back-order and forward an invoice to your email, to enable shipment as early as possible.

Customer replies to confirm they would like a Message sent. "Label" the message with the appropriate "Flag". (e.g. "Flag Jul-11", if to be restocked in the July shipment) Back-Order / Flag Confirm
Thanks for the message.

I have flagged your interest and we will send a message once back in stock and available for sale.
Customer replies to confirm they would like a quote/invoice Use the POS system to generate the quote or invoice for the customer.
Long Wait

We receive a general website message.

The the lead time on receiving more goods is more than 2 weeks

Back-Order / Website - Long
Thanks for the message,
We do have the XXX coming back into stock XXX XXX.

If you may be interested at this time, please confirm and we can send a message once back in stock and available for sale.

Alternatively, we can enter a direct back-order and forward an invoice to your email. We can offer a 10% discount, and payment due only before final shipment.

Customer replies to confirm they would like a Message sent. "Label" the message with the appropriate "Flag". (e.g. "Flag Jul-11", if to be restocked in the July shipment) Back-Order / Flag Confirm
Thanks for the message.

I have flagged your interest and we will send a message once back in stock and available for sale.
Customer replies to confirm they would like a quote/invoice Use the POS system to generate the quote or invoice for the customer.
We receive a Back-Order message (subject starts with "BO -")

Back-Order / Website - Back-Order
Thanks for the Back-Order message.
We have the XXX coming back into stock XXX

I have flagged your interest and we will send a message once back in stock and available for sale.

Alternatively, we can enter the back-order and forward an invoice to your email. We can offer a 10% discount, and payment due only before final shipment.

Customer replies to confirm they would like a Message sent. "Label" the message with the appropriate "Flag". (e.g. "Flag Jul-11", if to be restocked in the July shipment) Back-Order / Flag Confirm
Thanks for the message.

I have flagged your interest and we will send a message once back in stock and available for sale.
Customer replies to confirm they would like a quote/invoice Use the POS system to generate the quote or invoice for the customer.